From —  The IRS, the states and the tax industry are committed to protecting you from identity theft. Working together, we’ve made many changes to combat identity theft. We are making progress. The IRS is working hand-in-hand with your state revenue officials, your tax software provider and your tax professional. But, we need your help. We need you to join with us. By taking a few simple steps to protect all of your digital devices, you can better protect your personal and financial data online and at home.

Please consider these steps to protect yourself from identity thieves:

Keep Your Computer and Mobile Phone Secure

  • Use firewall and security software, set it for automatic updates;
  • Treat your personal information like cash, don’t leave it lying around;
  • Use strong, unique passwords; consider a password manager;
  • Use Multi-Factor Authentication;
  • Give personal information only over encrypted websites – look for “https”addresses;
  • Back up your files.

Avoid Phishing Scams and Malware

  • Identity thieves use phishing emails to trick users into giving up passwords and other information. Don’t take the bait. Look for:
  • Emails that pose as trusted source, i.e. bank, taxprovider;
  • Emails with an urgent message, i.e. update your account now!, with instructions to open a link or attachment;
  • Never download software or apps from pop-up advertising;
  • Talk to family about online security, both with computers and mobile devices.

Reference: Publication 4524 (Rev. 1-2021) Catalog Number 48359Q Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

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If you have questions about the security of  your income tax filings, contact the experts at Pinnacle CPA Advisory Group  Call us at (614) 942-1990, reach us by email to [email protected], or  just fill out the Contact Form at