Webinar Sessions a-la carte
Athletes and groups can enroll for individual sessions of the NIL Financial Literacy webinar series, or the full series. We strongly suggest the full series to get the full value.
NIL Webinar Session 1
From income reporting to record-keeping, learn about what the Internal Revenue Service is expecting you to provide in relation to your NIL payments. Part 1 of a 3-part webinar from CPA and award-winning public speaker Dave Krebs.

NIL Webinar Session 2
Money talks. And it usually says, ‘Goodbye.’ Learn how to grow your NIL income and plan for the future in Part 2 of Dave Krebs’ NIL Financial Literacy webinar series.

NIL Webinar Session 3
With money in your pocket, it’s time to learn how to keep it. This session teaches spending discipline, simplicity, and deciding what you value. Part 3 of Dave Krebs’ NIL Financial Literacy webinar series.

Full NIL Webinar — All 3 Sessions
Get a price break and take advantage of all three parts of Dave Krebs’ NIL Financial Literacy webinar for student athletes: You Own a Business, Building the Bucks and The Secrets of Money. Presented by Krebs, a CPA and award-winning national public speaker.
Get the book
Dave Krebs’ book on NIL Financial Literacy is a great aid to the webinar, and a take-away for student athletes to review and follow after taking the online classes.

Print edition

Digital edition
For Kindle

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Print edition